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Basic Circuit Theory

₹178.20 M.R.P.:₹ 198.00 You Save: ₹19.80  (10.00% OFF)
A Text book titled "BASIC CIRCUIT THEORT" intends to cater the need of students of B.Sc. Electronics 1st semester. It is as per recently revised syllabus under CBCS scheme for Universities in Andhra Pradesh. This text provides the comprehensive treatment for the electronic circuit analysis and designing in lucid manner. The whole subject matter has been woven in seven chapters like seven colours in rainbow. The first chapter deals with the Circuit Elements. The second chapter presents the of Alternating Current Circuit Fundamentals. With the discussion on phasor numbers, AC applied to RC, RL, RLC series circuits, RLC-parallel circuit and power factor have been described using the phasor diagrams. The third chapter offers the methods of analyzing Passive Networks. Beginning with ideal and practical voltage and current sources, Kirchhoff's laws and their applications are described in details. The various methods for circuit analysis are lucidly explained with are required examples and a special attention on loop analysis and nodal analysis. Network Theorems are very important to solve complicated networks. Network theorems their uses for solving network problems have been described in chapter fourth. Thevenising circuit and conversion of Thevenin's to Norton's and vice versa are given a attention with the working examples. In chapter 5, Transient response of RC and RL circuits have been described with the use : differential equations. Frequency response of RC and RL circuits and their uses for the study low- and high pass filter circuits are discussed in this chapter. A basic concept of the Differentiating and Integrating circuits has been given at the end of this chapter. Contents : 1. Electronic Components 2. A.C. Circuit Fundamentals 3. Passive Networks 4. Network Theorems 5. RC-and RL-Circuits 6. Resource in Electric Circuits 7. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope Appendix

Electronics Devices and Circuits

₹194.40 M.R.P.:₹ 240.00 You Save: ₹45.60  (19.00% OFF)
This text, Electronic Devices and Circuits is primarily written according to the syllabus of B.Sc. Electronics II- semester for all Universities of Andhra Pradesh (as per CBCS scheme). The subject matter has been woven in such a systematic manner that the students/readers may easily understand the basic concepts of the Electronic Circuits The problems discussed in the book will help in designing the Electronic circuits. To check the knowledge and understanding of the subject, a large number of concept type of exercises have been placed at the end of each chapter. A large number of question of the types-true/false, fill in the blanks, multi choice, short answer are given at the end of each chapter. The problem and long answer type of question based on the subject discussed in the chapter are also given for practice purposes at the end of the respective chapter. The whole matter has been divided in seven chapter. The first chapter deals with the Introduction to Semiconductors, where the intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, Fermi levels are given special attention. The second chapter contains the theory and function of p-n junction its biasing, p-n junction diode, its characteristics, Zener and avalanche, Zener diode, voltage regulations, microwave semiconductor diodes – varactor and tunnel diodes. The fourth chapter treats the transistor biasing and transistor amplifiers. The various topics such as load line, bias stabilization, methods of biasing common emitter amplifiers, frequency response of RC- coupled emitter amplifiers, BJT as a sswitch are given a proper place. The fifth chapter deals with the Field Effect Transistors (FETs and MOSFETs) their characteristics and uses as amplifier. Uni-junction Transistors and their use as a relaxation oscillator are also discussed in detail in this chapter. Contents : 1. Introduction to Semiconductors 2. Junction Diodes 3. Bipolar Junction Transistors 4. Biasing of Bipolar Junction Transistors 5. Field Effect Transistors and UJT 6. Photo Electric Devices 7. Power Supplies

Circuit Analysis

₹182.25 M.R.P.:₹ 225.00 You Save: ₹42.75  (19.00% OFF)
This book intends to cater the need of the students of B.Sc. Electronics Ist Semester of Osmania University and other Universities of Telangana State, who have recently revised the syllabi under CBCS scheme of UGC. This text provides the comprehensive treatment for the electronic circuit analysis and designing in lucid manner. The whole subject matter has been put in seven chapters,as seven colors of rainbow. It is essential to know about the basic circuit elements, before designing any circuit, therefore the first chapter deals with the Circuit Elements. The second chapter presents the basic concepts of AC- fundamentals. With the concept of j-operator, the polar and rectangular forms of complex numbers are didcussed. The complex impedance & admittance are obtained using the phasor diagrams for RC, RL, RLC-ac-circuits. The third chapter covers the Kirchhoff's current and voltage laws and their applications to circuit analysis. Node voltage analysis and mesh analysis are discussed with various examples. Network theorems, which are very important to the analysis of complicated circuits, are discussed in chapter fourth. Superposition, Thevenin's, Norton's, maximum power, reciprocity and Millman's theorems are discussed with various examples using dc and ac-sources. The chapter fifth is based on RC- & RL-circuits. Transient response of RL and RC-circuits are described with the use of differential equations. Low pass and High pass filters, their frequency response are given a due weight age. The basic concepts of differentiating & Integrating circuits are given at the end of this chapter. Resonance, a very important subject in ac-circuits is described in chapter sixth, with a stress on the resonant frequency, Q-factor, bandwidth and selectivity for both series & parallel resonant circuits. The seventh chapter deals with the Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, a very important instrument used in every Electronics Lab. Along with its components and their functions, its use to measure amplitude, frequency, time period and phase are discussed in details. To check the knowledge and understanding of the subject, a set of large questiions in the form of True/False; Fill in the blanks; Multiple choice questions; Short answer questions are given at the end of each chapter. To develop the skill, a large number of problems (solved as Exercises and unsolved as problems) are also added in each chapter. The probable questions based on the subject matter are given at the end of respective chapters. Contents - 1. Electronic Components 2. A.C. Circuit Fundamentals 3. Passive Networks 4. Network Theorems 5. Rc- and RL-Circuits 6. Resonance in Electric Circuits 7. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope Appendix Problems asked during last 5 years

Basic Circuit Theory and Networking Analysis

₹194.40 M.R.P.:₹ 240.00 You Save: ₹45.60  (19.00% OFF)
This text, Basic Circuit Theory and Network Analysis is primarily written as per syllabus (CBCS Scheme) for B.Sc. Electronics I - semester, Calcutta University. The subject matter has been woven in such a systematic manner that the students / readers may easily understand the basic concepts of the circuits and their designs. For the students of Science, it is essential to develop the experimental skill along with the theory, therefore the experiments based on the subject matter of theory and prescribed in the syllabus are discussed in the second part of the book as - Laboratory Manual. To check the knowledge & understanding of the subject, a more stress has been given to application part, therefore a large number of exercises, based on the subject matter, have been placed at the end of each chapter. A large number of - true/false, fill in the blanks, multi choice, short answer types of questions are given at the end of each chapter. The problems & probable questions are also given the due space for practice purposes. The theory part of whole matter has been discussed in six chapters. The first chapter deals with the Basic Circuit Concepts, where the passive circuit elements, e.g., resistors, inductors and capacitors with their types, constructions, applications and their testing are discussed in details. Electric current & voltage sources- ideal and practical & their conversion are given a due weight-age. The chapter second contains the Circuit Analysis, where all the most common methods of Network analysis are discussed with examples. The third chapter consists of DC- Transient Analysis. In this chapter transient response of RC, RL, LC, LCR circuits with and without dc- excitation are described along with the concept of switching time. The chapter fourth, on A.C. Circuit Analysis may be called the heart of the Circuit Theory. The method of Phasor algebra is widely used in solving ac- circuits. The variation of voltage with frequency across the resistor, inductor & capacitor is discussed in details along with the series and parallel resonant circuits. Filter circuits are given in details along with Integrating & differentiating circuits, The chapter fifth deals with Network theorems, very important tool of circuit analysis. Network Graph Theory is discussed in chapter sixth. The laboratory manual, the second part of the book consists of all the experiments based on the theory course & prescribed in the university syllabus, They are given in the manner the students are supposed to follow while experimentation and recording in the practical note book. More stress is given on circuit diagram, observation tables and analysis of results. Contents - Part A—Theory 1. Basic Circuit Concepts 2. Circuit Analysis 3. DC-Transient Analysis 4. A.C. Circuit Analysis 5. Network Theorems 6. Network Graph Theory Part B—Practical Conducting the Experiments L-1—L-2 1. Electronic Circuit Elements and CRO 2. Kirchhoff's Laws and Network Theorems 3. RC-Circuits 4. LCR-Circuits (AC) Appendix Index

Fundamentals of Electronics

₹344.25 M.R.P.:₹ 425.00 You Save: ₹80.75  (19.00% OFF)
This Book "FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS" is mainly written for the B.Sc. & B.Tech. students of all Indian Universities. The beginners will also find it as an equally useful reference Text. In this text, almost all the topics on Electronics generally taught at the under-graduate level to the students of Physics and Engineering have been discussed. The subject matter has been woven in such a systematic manner that the students / readers may easily understand the basic concepts of the Electronic Circuits. This book will help in designing the Electronic circuits and understanding the working of Electronic Equipments used in the laboratories. To check the knowledge & understanding of the subject, a large number of concept type of exercises which will help the students in the circuit designing have been placed at the end of each chapter. A large number of questions of the types- true/false, fill in the blanks, self test, self review are given at the end of each chapter. The problems and long answer type of questions based on the subject discussed are also given for practice purposes. The whole matter has been discussed in ten chapters. The first chapter deals with the theory & functions of p-n junction, Zener and microwave semiconductor diodes. LED & LCD are also discussed in this chapter. The second chapter presents the diode rectifiers, power supplies, voltage regulators, voltage multipliers, clipping & clamper circuits. The bipolar junction transistors along with their configuarations & characteristics are given in chapter third. The fourth chapter treats the transistor biasing and transistor amplifiers. The power amplifiers are also given a place. The fifth chapter deals with the field effect transistors, their characteristics and use as amplifier. The theory of feedback, the feedback amplifiers and various useful oscillators are given in details in chapter sixth. The chapter seventh consists of the operational amplifiers, their characteristics and applications along with the basic concepts of Integrated Circuits. Communication systems are discussed in chapter eighth. The digital communication has also been discussed in brief in this chapter. The chapter ninth on Switching theory & Logic Designs consists of number systems, Binary arithmetic, logic gates, implementation of logic functions, Canonical forms of Boolean Expressions & Karnaugh maps, The electroic Instruments, commonly required in a good laboratories, such as multimeters, VTVM, digital voltmeter & multimeters, and CRO with its various uses are given in chapter tenth. Contents : 1. Semi-conductor Diodes 2. Diode Applications 3. Bipolar Junction Transistor Characteristics 4. Transistor Amplifiers 5. Field Effect Transistors 6. Feedback Amplifiers and Oscillators 7. Operational Amplifiers 8. Communication Systems 9. Switching Theory & Logic Designs 10. Electronic Instruments Appendix - A : Standard Value Components Appendix - B : IC`s

College Physics — Vol. III

₹222.75 M.R.P.:₹ 275.00 You Save: ₹52.25  (19.00% OFF)
Present book, entitled "College Physics - Vol. III: Electricity and Magnetism", has been written for B.Sc. (Physics) students of Semester-III of Bangalore University. The prescribed syllabus, mainly describing electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic theory, has been divided into four units. Unit-1 deals with the electric field and potential, network theorems, magnetic field and bassistic galvanometer in the form of three chapters. In Unit-2, source of managetic field and electromagntic induction are discussed in two chapters. Unit-3 presents three chapters on the topics of transient currents, scalar and vector fields and electomagnetic waves. In Unit-4, topics on alternating current and thermoelectricity have been described in the last two chapters of the book. In order to grasp the basic concepts of physics and to understand the complicacy of the subject matter, we have given a good number of selected and informative solved and unsolved problems in the book. Generally the solved problems have been given in few groups at different places with the relevant theory inside a chapter and each group of problems have been followed by an exercise (set of unsolved problems) for practice. At the end of each chapter of the book, theoretical questions have been arranged in the two heads: (i) Long Answer Questions and (ii) Short Answer Questions. Contents : UNIT-1 1. Electric Field and Potential 2. Network Theorems 3. Magnetic Fields and Forces UNIT-2 4. Source of Magnetic Field 5. Electromagnetic Induction UNIT-3 6. Transient Currents 7. Scalar and Vector Fields 8. Electromagnetic Waves UNIT-4 9. Alternating Current 10. Thermoelectricity

Mechanics and Properties of Matter

₹218.70 M.R.P.:₹ 270.00 You Save: ₹51.30  (19.00% OFF)
Present book entitled 'Mechanics and Properties of Matter' has been written according to the new CBCS syllabus w.e.f.2015-16 for B.Sc. (Physics)-First Semester Students of all universities in Andhra Pradesh. The prescribed syllabus basically deals with the different topics of mechanics. In fact, the course on mechanics form the foundation of entire physics and this is why course is taught first of all to the students studying the subject of physics. The syllabus has been divided into five units having six topics, which has been presented in the book in the form of six chapters. First chapter deals with the vectors, the mathematical tool, needed necessarily to study the concepts of Physics. Second chapter discusses the basic principles of mechanics. This chapter begins with the well-known Newton's laws of motion and their application to variable mass system. In the middle of the chapter, the fundamental laws of conservation of every, linear and angular momentum are discussed in reasonably details with proper examples. As an application to these basic laws, finally the chapter deals with the collision problems and scattering. Mechanics of rigid bodies is discussed in chapter third where conceptually the climax of classical ideas of mechanics is reached. Fourth and fifth chapters describe respectively mechanics of continuous media and central forces. Newtonian ideas of space and time fail at speed comparable to the speed of light Revolutionary ideas regarding space and time and the fundamental equation E = mc2 of mass-energy equivalence result from the Einstein's postulates of special theory of relativity. This theory with its consequences is discussed in the sixth chapter, i.e., the last chapter of the book.  In order to grasp the basic concepts of physics and to understand the complicacy of subject matter, it is necessary that the students have sufficient practice to solve the related problems. To stress this point, the subject committee of the syllabus has made it necessary that atleast three problems are to be asked in each theory paper. This is why we have given a sufficient number of selected informative and modern solved problems inside each chapter followed by a good number of unsolved problems at the end of the chapter. The unsolved problems have been systematically and methodically so arranged that after solving some simpler problems in the beginning an average student is encouraged to tackle relatively difficult problems and a good student feels pleasure and intellectually satisfied after solving some difficult problems given in the last. Regarding the solved problems, we advise to students. "Always try to solve a problem in writing before looking to its solution. This will help you in locating your difficulties and consequently in removing them". In view of the latest pattern of university examination papers, theoretical questions have been systematically arranged at the end of each chapter of the book in the two heads : (i) Long Answer Questions and (ii) Short Answer Questions. Contents : 1. Vector Analysis 2. Mechanics of Particles 3. Mechanics of Rigid Bodies 4. Mechanics of Continuous Media 5. Central Forces 6. Special Theory of Relativity

Fundamentals of Mechanics

₹241.38 M.R.P.:₹ 298.00 You Save: ₹56.62  (19.00% OFF)
Present book, entitled 'Fundaments of Mechanics', has been written according to the new B.Sc. Physics Honours syllabus for students under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS). In fact, the course on mechanics forms the foundation of entire physics. This is why this course is taught first of all to the students in any physics syllabus at B.Sc. level. The course has been divided in three units and in the present book, it has been discussed in nine chapters. Unit - I deals with three chapters. First two chapters of this unit are related to rational dynamics in which the topics on centre of mass, angular momentum, torque and moment of intertia are discussed in sufficient detail. Non-inertial frames, involving the concepts of centrifugal force and Coriolis force, are described in chapter three. Unit - II is composed of four chapters of which first two chapters, namely Elasticity and Fluid Motion, deal with the properties of matter and rest two chapters are devoted to gravitation and central force motion. Oscillations, a phenomenon of extreme importance in nature as well as in physics, is discussed in one chapter in the last unit (Unit - III). This unit also deals with a chapter on 'Special Theory of Relativity' which results in the revolutionary ideas of space and time and Einstein's mass energy relation E = mc2*. In order to understand the basic concepts of Physics, it is necessary that the students have sufficient practice to solve the related problems. To stress this point, several Indian Universities have made compulsory to ask numerical problems in the examination paper. This is why we have given a sufficient number of selected informative and modern solved problems in few groups at different places inside a chapter and eash group of problems has been followed by an exercise (set of unsolved problems). Contents - 1. Rotational Dynamics - I (Centre of Mass and Angular Momentum) 2. Rotational Dynamics - II (Moment of Inertia) 3. Non-inertial Frames 4. Elasticity 5. Fluid Motion 6. Gravitation 7. Motion under Central Force 8. Oscillations 9. Special Theory of Relativity

Waves and Oscillations

₹148.50 M.R.P.:₹ 165.00 You Save: ₹16.50  (10.00% OFF)
Present book, entitled ‘Waves and Oscillations’, has been written according to the new syllabus under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) for B.Sc. (Physics) students of all Universities. The oscillatory and wave phenomena are very common in nature and the relevent study forms a course of extreme importance in basic physics. In the present book on waves and oscillations, the syllabus has been divided into five units with six chapters. First two chapters of the book are devoted to the study of simple, damped and forced harmonic oscillations. Third chapter deals with complex vibrations which are analysed with the help of Fourier theorem. Vibrations of strings and bars are discussed in next two chapters. Last chapter deals with the topic on ultrasonics, being a subject of scientific, teachnologcal and medical importance. In order to understand the basic concepts of physics, it is necessary that the students have sufficient practice to solve the related problems. To stress this point, the subject comittee has made it necessary that at least three problems are to be asked in each theory paper. This is why we have given a sufficient number of selected informative and modern solved problems inside each chapter followed by a good number of unsloved problems at the end of each chapter. Contents - 1. Simple Harmonic Oscillations 2. Damped and Forced Oscillations 3. Complex Vibrations 4. Vibrating Strings 5. Vibrations of Bars 6. Ultrasonics

Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis

₹587.25 M.R.P.:₹ 725.00 You Save: ₹137.75  (19.00% OFF)
The pace of change in Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis has continued unabated since the last edition was published and in some areas the changes have been dramatic. Most instrumental techniques have benefited from these developments in terms of reliability, versatility and the processing and presentation of data. We have tried to indicate the nature of recent changes and developments without compromising the principal subject matter of the book which remains the instrumental techniques themselves and their applications. As with the new additions have been made in each instrumental technique. Line diagrams have been redrawn to make the book more illustrated. New instrumental techniques have been added, the uses of which have been growing steadily in recent past. The wide range and new standardised format of this book make it the ideal reference work for all undergraduate and postgraduate students of chemistry, biochemistry, industrial chemistry, environmental science, pharmacy, microbiology, biotechnology geology, material science, and related disciplines. This book, the users can find information about which instrumental techniques can provide the information they are seeking on chemical composition and structure. Contents : 1. Introduction to Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis 2. Errors, Precision and Accuracy 3. Microwave Spectroscopy 4. Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy 5. Raman Spectroscopy 6. Visible Spectrophotometry and Colorimetry 7. Ultraviolet Spectroscopy 8. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 9. Nuclear Magnetic Double Resonance (NDMR) and INDOR Spectroscopy 10. NQR Spectroscopy 11. Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy 12. Mass Spectrometry 13. X-Ray Absorption, Diffraction and Fluorescence Spectroscopy (Crystal Tonography) 14. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy 15. Flame Photometry and Flame Infrared Emission (FIRE) 16. Nephelometry and Turbidimetry 17. Fluorimetry and Phosphorimetry 18. Mossbauer Spectroscopy 19. Emission Spectroscopy 20. Refractometry 21. Polarimetry 22. Optical Rotatory Dispersion and Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy 23. Conductometric Measurements 24. High Frequency Titrations 25. Measurement of pH 26. Potentiometric Titrations 27. Polarography 28. Amperometric Titrations