Categories: Business

Setting up of Business Entities and Closure (SUBEC) | Study Material

₹563.50 M.R.P.:₹ 575.00 You Save: ₹11.50  (2.00% OFF)
<p>"This book is prepared exclusively for the Executive Level of Company Secretary Examination requirement. It covers the entire revised syllabus as per ICSI. This book aims to systematically represent the subject matter so that students do not consciously have to mug up provisions.</p><p>The Present Publication is the 4th Edition &amp; updated till 30th November 2022 for CS-Executive | June/Dec. 2023 Exams. This book is authored by CS N.S. Zad &amp; CS Divya Bajpai, with the following noteworthy features: Strictly as per the New Syllabus of ICSI, [Topic-wise Tabular Presentation] of the subject matter, [Easy to Understand Language] used throughout the book for easy learning, [Examples, Comments &amp; Explanatory Notes] for complicated provisions, [Most Amended &amp; Updated] This book covers the latest applicable provisions and amendments under the respective laws.</p><p>Coverage of this book includes: Past Exam Questions, including the Dec. 2022 Exam, [Topic-wise Past Exam Practice Questions] with Hints, [Chapter-wise Marks Distribution] from Dec. 2014 onwards, [Student-Oriented Book] The authors have developed this book keeping in mind the following factors: Interaction of the authors with their students, with specific emphasis on difficulties faced by students in the examinations, Shaped by the authors experience of teaching the subject matter at different levels, Reactions and responses of students have also been incorporated at different places in the book.</p><p>The detailed contents of this book are as follows: Part A – Setting-up of Business (40 Marks), Choice of Business Organizations, Types of Companies, Charter Documents of Companies, Legal Status of Registered Company, Formation of LLP, Different Forms of Business Organizations &amp; Registrations, Formation &amp; Registration of NGOs, Financial Services Organizations &amp; its Registration Process, Startups &amp; its Registrations, Business Collaboration, Setting up of business outside India and issues relating thereto, Conversion of Business Entities, Part B – Registration, Licenses &amp; Compliances (35 Marks), Various Initial Registrations &amp; Licenses, Maintenance of Registers &amp; Records, Identifying laws applicable to various industries and their initial compliances, Intellectual Property Laws, Compliances under Labour Laws, Compliances relating to Environment Laws, art C – Insolvency, Winding Up &amp; Closure of Business (25 Marks), Dormant Company, Strike Off and Restoration of Name of the Company &amp; LLP, Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process, Liquidation &amp; Winding-up: An Overview."</p>

Question Bank with Model Test Papers

₹892.50 M.R.P.:₹ 1,050.00 You Save: ₹157.50  (15.00% OFF)
<p>"Covering, Business Environment &amp; Law, Business Management Ethics &amp; Entrepreneurship,Business Economics &amp; Statistics, Fundamentals of Accounting &amp; Auditing, Also Covering, More than 6000 Topic-wise/Chapter-wise MCQs, Hints for Practical MCQs, Model Test Papers."<br></p>

Ethics Governance & Sustainability

₹355.50 M.R.P.:₹ 395.00 You Save: ₹39.50  (10.00% OFF)
<p>"Updated as per Companies Act, 2013 and revised Clause 49 of Listing Agreement, Chapterwise solved previous examination questions, Relevant case studies for in-depth understanding, Presentation of complex topics in chart form, Synopsis at the end of each chapter for quick revision, Solved CS-Professional December, 2014 paper (New &amp; Old Syllabus)."<br></p>

Ethics Governance & Sustainability

₹355.50 M.R.P.:₹ 395.00 You Save: ₹39.50  (10.00% OFF)
<p>"Updated as per Companies Act, 2013 and revised Clause 49 of Listing Agreement, Chapterwise solved previous examination questions, Relevant case studies for in-depth understanding, Presentation of complex topics in chart form, Synopsis at the end of each chapter for quick revision, Solved CS-Professional December, 2014 paper (New &amp; Old Syllabus)."<br></p>

Tan Prints Business Studies for NTA CUET (UG) 2022

₹221.25 M.R.P.:₹ 295.00 You Save: ₹73.75  (25.00% OFF)
<p>"This book intends to cater to the principal needs of all the students preparing for the Common University Entrance Test (CUET) at the Undergraduate Level in the Business Studies Domain. The underlying concepts are articulated precisely. Several illustrations with examples &amp; coherent charts are given in this book.</p><p>The Present Publication is the Latest 2022 Edition, authored by Dheeraj K. Singh, with the following noteworthy features: [As per the Latest Syllabus] released by the National Testing Agency (NTA), [Precise Articulation &amp; Illustrations with Charts] for an excellent conceptual understanding, [Simple &amp; Lucid Language] is used throughout the book, [Chapter-wise/Topic-wise MCQs] with hints and answers, [Chapter-wise Mind Maps/Quick Review] for complete revision of concepts, [Mock Tests based on Official Mock Test Pattern] are provided in the book to gauge the students knowledge &amp; understanding. It also enables the students to get acquainted with the pattern of examination before appearing for the final exam.</p><p>The detailed contents of the book are as follows:Nature and Significance of Management, Principles of Management, Business Environment, Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Controlling, Business Finance, Financial Markets, Marketing, Consumer Protection, Entrepreneurship Development."</p>

Derivatives & Risk Management

₹675.75 M.R.P.:₹ 795.00 You Save: ₹119.25  (15.00% OFF)
<p>"The present text attempts to take a systematic, analytical and verifying approach towards discussion on the concept and practice of derivatives, with special reference to Indian Market and at a global level. The objectives of this book are three-fold:</p><p>First, to explain the concept of derivatives.Second, to provide a theoretical framework for the valuation of these derivatives.Third, to use these derivatives for hedging the financial risk, in particular.A distinguishing feature of the present book is that great care has been taken in the use of mathematics, and to the extent possible, non-essential algebra has been eliminated. Derivatives concepts involving mathematics that are likely to be new but desirable for the readers have been carefully explained and analysed with the help of appropriate quantitative examples and illustrations.</p><p>This book can be used as the basis for practical in-house training programmes and the Post-graduate programmes in Commerce and Management such as M.Com, MBA, PGDM, CFA, MFC or other courses in Applied Finance such as Financial Engineering. It is also suitable for risk managers who want to know how derivatives can be used as a hedging tool. As the mathematical level of the book has been kept at a manageable level, it can well be used as core study material for a course on derivatives.</p><p><br></p>

Human Resource Management

₹590.75 M.R.P.:₹ 695.00 You Save: ₹104.25  (15.00% OFF)
<p>"A comprehensive text book on Human Resource Management for undergraduates and postgraduates in management and other professional courses.&nbsp;</p><p>A Compact Text Book Covering all the Basic and Advanced aspects of Human Resource Management coupled with ample coverage of topics with recent trends in HR with a wide variety of examples, exhibits and illustrations of organizational practices and policies for budding managers and HR professionals</p><p>Includes pedagogical features such as exhibits, chapter-end questions and problems, summary, assignments, key terms and a recapitulation of the topics covered</p><p>Numerous case studies are meant to give practical insight into application of management concepts</p><p>A comprehensive coverage of recent trends in HR--Competency mapping, IHRM, HRIS, Talent management, Employee Engagement, HR Audits, Transformational HR, Outsourcing in HR, Mentoring, Coaching, Corporate Social Responsibility, Green HR, Human Sigma, etc. Incorporates Innovative Practices of Firms.Glossary of HR terms "</p><div><br></div>

Information Technology

₹355.50 M.R.P.:₹ 395.00 You Save: ₹39.50  (10.00% OFF)
<p>"A Comprehensive &amp; Authentic Text book onInformation Technology for MBA/B. Tech./BCA/BBA/BA Computer Application/DOEACC&nbsp; O’ Level.</p><p>The subject-matter has been presented in a simple manner so that the students can easily grasp. An effort has been made to develop understanding skills in Information Technology. The book aims at providing a sound theoretical as well as practical basis for understanding and practising the subject.</p><p>Each Chapter contains variety of illustrations to explain the relevant concepts.Key terms and definitions are given in boxes.Latest developments in various fields have been duly incorporated in the respective Chapters. References are also given for further details. At the end of each Chapter and at the end of the book Online study guides and projects are given for up-to-date understanding of important issues. Glossary of words/expressions frequently used in IT is also enclosed at the end of the book.</p><p>At the end of each Chapter an assessment with a set of review questions is provided to reinforce the main concepts introduced in each Chapter.Each Chapter’s text is followed by points to remember. These points provide helpful way to recap and revisit the ideas covered in each Chapter."</p><div><br></div>

Business Valuation – Text & Cases

₹572.00 M.R.P.:₹ 650.00 You Save: ₹78.00  (12.00% OFF)
<p>"This book is a comprehensive &amp; authentic book on ‘Business Valuation’. The objective of this book is to include a judicious mixture of corporate finance theory and business valuation practice. This book aims to fulfill the requirement of students PGDM/MBA/CA/CWA &amp; other professional courses.</p><p>The Present Publication is the Reprint Edition April 2021, authored by Pitabas Mohanty, with the following noteworthy features:The subject-matter is presented in a simple, systematic method along with comprehensive explanation of the concept and theories underlying business valuation. The book tries to present the subject-matter in a non-mathematical and non-technical way [Student-Oriented Book] This book has been developed, keeping in mind the following factors:Interaction of the author/teacher with his/her students in the class-room, Shaped by the author/teachers experience of teaching the subject-matter at different levels.</p><p>Reaction and responses of students have also been incorporated at different places in the book, [Numerical Illustration] are used to explain the complicated quantitative subjects, [Practical Problems] are included in theoretical discussions, [Principles of Corporate Finance &amp; Investments] are discussed in detail, to understand the theory of business valuation, [Emphasizes on the Five Types of Consistencies] that one should maintain while valuing any business. It also discusses what mistakes are made, when the valuation model suffers from not adhering to these consistencies, [Sum-of-parts Valuation Method &amp; Liquidation Valuation Methods] with practical examples are included, [Chapter-End Problems &amp; Mini-Cases] are included, to test one’s understanding of the different concepts, Includes a list of 150 questions that one often faces while valuing companies. One will find these questions handy while preparing for some valuation interview.</p><p>The contents of this book are as follows: Introduction to Business Valuation, Basics of DCF Valuation, Discounted Cash Flow Method: The Cost of Capital, Cash Flow and Valuation, Valuation of Companies: Forecasting Case Flows, Beyond Valuation of Companies, Valuation of Synergy in Mergers and Acquisitions (M&amp;A), Valuation of Companies: Multiplier Methods, Miscellaneous Topics in Valuation, Frequently Asked Questions in Valuation."</p>

Working Capital Management

₹420.75 M.R.P.:₹ 495.00 You Save: ₹74.25  (15.00% OFF)
<p>"This book is a comprehensive &amp; authentic book on ‘Working Capital Management’.This book aims to fulfill the requirement of students of MBA/M.Com./PGDM/CFA &amp; other Postgraduate Courses in Commerce and Management.This book aims to fill the gap between theory and practice of working capital management. The finance managers will find the text worthwhile in their pursuit of updating the knowledge about current thinking &amp; developments taking place in the area of working capital management.</p><p>The Present Publication is the Reprint 2021 Edition, authored by Dr. R.P. Rustagi, with the following noteworthy features:The subject-matter is presented in a simple, systematic method along with comprehensive explanation of the concept and theories underlying working capital management. The book tries to present the subject-matter in a non-mathematical and non-technical way</p><p>[Student-Oriented Book] This book has been developed, keeping in mind the following factors: Interaction of the author/teacher with his/her students in the class-room, Shaped by the author/teachers experience of teaching the subject-matter at different levels, Reaction and responses of students have also been incorporated at different places in the book, [Illustrations &amp; Diagrams] are used to explain the concepts for a clear understanding of the subject-matter, [Practices Prevailing in India] have been referenced throughout the text, [300+ Objective Type &amp; Multiple Choice Questions] are given at the end of different Chapters,[200+ Examples &amp; Graded Illustrations] have been incorporated throughout the book, Question appeared in Latest Question Papers have been incorporated at appropriate places, [Real Life Case Studies] have been incorporated on various aspects of Working Capital Management,Incorporates separate chapters on Funds Flow Statement, Cash Flow Statement and Bank Finance for Working Capital Requirement.</p><p>The detailed contents of the book are as follows:Working Capital | Planning and Estimation, Working Capital | Introduction, Working Capital | Operating Cycle, Working Capital | Estimation and Calculation, Measurement and Analysis of Liquidity, Measuring Liquidity | Ratio Analysis, Working Capital Flow | Funds Flow Statement, Analysing Liquidity Flow | Cash Flow Statement, Current Assets Management, Management of Cash and Marketable Securities, Receivables Management, Inventory Management, Working Capital Financing,Financing of Working Capital and the Banking Policy,Case Studies in Working Capital Management,Okara Foods &amp; Beverages Ltd.,Indo-Swiss Watches Ltd,Aeron Adventures Ltd.,Price Waterhouse Consultancy and Allied Services,Dataware Computer Ltd.,Kamat Engineering Works Ltd.,Viptanu Housing Infrastructure Ltd.,Good Apparels Ltd."</p><div><br></div>