Categories: History

Hunting to Conservation: History of Wildlife in Colonial Assam, 1826-1947

₹1,843.80 M.R.P.:₹ 2,195.00 You Save: ₹351.20  (16.00% OFF)
<p>Hunting was a metaphor for colonial rule signifying not only the sportsmanship of the British officials but also the life saviour of the locals from the predatory wild animals. This book is a systematic attempt to explore the history of wildlife as a part of environmental history in colonial Assam based on archival records administrative reports memoirs etc. It reveals the causes for the increasing wildlife-human conflict during the colonial period and provides the statistical accounts of the humans and cattle killed by wild animals and the wild animals killed for rewards in various districts of colonial Assam. It also explores the policies adopted by the British government for the destruction of wild animals. One of the chapters of the book exclusively deals with elephant hunting and its management by the British government. The last two chapters of the book debate the changes in British policies towards wildlife. It reveals how after an episode of hunting and destruction of wildlife attempts at wildlife protection and preservation started in India with the efforts of some British officials. The international conferences of the 1930s for wildlife protection led to the fauna preservation movement and the formation of wildlife sanctuaries in India and simultaneously in Assam. The book ends with a discussion on how the formation of wildlife sanctuaries and national parks facilitated the commercialization of wildlife. About the Author Geetashree Singh is working as an Assistant Professor of History Sidho-Kanho-Birsha Uni­versity. She takes particular interest in environmental history and gender studies. She has published various research papers in national and international reputed journals and edited volumes in books. She has completed two projects entitled ‘Game Under the Raj: Aspects of Hunting in Colonial Assam (1826-1947)’ funded by the Indian Council of Historical Research and ‘Science in the Forest Management: A Study of Colonial Assam (1826-1947)’ funded by the Indian National Science Academy (INSA). She is presently working on a research project entitled ‘Technology of Hunting: Methods and Techniques of Wildlife Hunting in Colonial Assam’ which is funded by the INSA.</p>

Forgotten Patriots: Colonial Regime and Unsung Heroes of the Indian National Movement

₹1,629.70 M.R.P.:₹ 1,895.00 You Save: ₹265.30  (14.00% OFF)
<p>Forgotten Patriots challenges the dominant historiographical narrative of India’s struggle for independence which is often centred around iconic figures such as Mahatma Gandhi Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhas Chandra Bose. This work shifts focus to the unsung heroes – ordinary men and women from diverse socio-economic regional and cultural backgrounds – whose contributions were equally instrumental in dismantling the British colonial rule. By examining the grassroots dimensions of the movement this book highlights the decentralized inclusive nature of the struggle revealing a more nuanced and multifaceted narrative. Through a synthesis of oral histories archival research and regional perspectives this book expands the historical record emphasizing the sacrifices and perseverance of teachers labourers tribal leaders social reformers poets and women. By highlighting figures such as Kanaklata Barua Alluri Sitarama Raju Aruna Asaf Ali and Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan Forgotten Patriots underscores the democratic and collective ethos that permeated the independence movement. It also delves into the moral dimensions of resistance exploring the enduring hardships – imprisonment torture and death – endured by these individuals in the name of freedom. In doing so the book not only commemorates their invaluable contributions but also offers a redefined understanding of India’s path towards liberation underscoring the power of collective action resilience and societal transformation. This book is essential for re-imagining the history of Indian Independence offering important insights for scholars activists and those interested in the diverse forces that shaped India’s fight for freedom. About the Author Amit K. Suman an Assistant Professor of History at the University of Delhi and Associate Fellow of the Royal Historical Society London UK specializes in Early Modern and Modern South Asia with a particular emphasis on Colonial Education Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Intellectual History. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Delhi and has held distinguished fellowships making significant contributions to scholarly research and academic discourse.</p>

A Brief History of Poverty Alleviation in Neoliberal Times

₹1,421.25 M.R.P.:₹ 1,895.00 You Save: ₹473.75  (25.00% OFF)

The Southern Silk Route: Historical Links and Contemporary Convergences

₹1,461.50 M.R.P.:₹ 1,850.00 You Save: ₹388.50  (21.00% OFF)
<p>Southern Silk Route is the historic route which running from China to Myanmar ends up in Assam. The route has histor­ical importance as it served as a major artery of ancient trade articles. The Southern Silk Route: Historical Links and Contemporary Convergences attempts to sketch out the historical dimensions of the route and shows the con­temporary dynamics both positive and negative. It poses the question how history can extend a lesson in contemporary contexts. The book has two parts- theoretical articles on the route judging from a scholar’s perspective on one hand and explorers’ insight in the practical perspective on the other thus making it really interesting both for the scholar and the lay reader. About the Author Lipi Ghosh is Professor and Head in the Department of South &amp; South East Asian Studies at University of Calcutta. Her current interest lies in the issue of connectivities among Asian countries. As a historian her basic idea is to judge contemporary international relations in historical backdrops. She is a former Fulbright Scholar Asia Fellow CWIT Fellow and ICCR Chair Professor to Lund University.</p>

Jains in India: Historical Essays

₹815.90 M.R.P.:₹ 995.00 You Save: ₹179.10  (18.00% OFF)

Money and Money Matters in Pre-Modern South Asia

₹1,270.50 M.R.P.:₹ 1,650.00 You Save: ₹379.50  (23.00% OFF)

The Administration Justice in Assam (1826-1874)

₹1,237.50 M.R.P.:₹ 1,650.00 You Save: ₹412.50  (25.00% OFF)
<p>Based on original sources this volume is a pioneering work in the study of the growth and development of judicial administration in Assam since the beginning of the East India Company’s rule in the province till it was separated from the Bengal Presidency in 1874. In view of the fact that Assam had its own laws and codes different from those of other provinces of British India this work is unique and pioneering in its reach. Assam was administered under non-regulation system which had its origin in the neighbouring province of Bengal and was governed by a mixed system of local and regulation laws. In the administration of civil justice the Bengal regulations were entirely dispensed with while in criminal administration the regulations were followed more or less. Since the occupation of the province by the Company’s government till 1837 the fundamental drawback of the entire judicial administration was the want of a definite code of law the absence of which confused the administrators in delivering justice. It was only in 1837 that rules for the civil and criminal administration popularly known as the Assam Code were drafted and judicial administration in the province found a sound footing. The presentation and analysis of the laws and codes prepared by the Government of Bengal in its executive capacity in consultation with the local authorities in Assam is the most distinctive feature of this compre­hensive work.</p>