Economic In Commercial Fisheries

₹6,298.50 M.R.P.:₹ 11,050.00 You Save: ₹4,751.50  (43.00% OFF)
<p>Many of the world’s fisheries are challenged by a combination of overcapacity over-harvesting habitat damage and poor economic returns. For the first time ever it appears the world’s total harvest of fish from wild stocks is in decline because of over-fishing. The challenge is such that over a decade ago the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations noted ‘… many conservatively-targeted quota management systems have failed even for proprietary resources of EEZs …’. In an attempt to address these difficulties managers are looking for innovative ways to address the ‘tragedy of the commons’ whereby individuals operating in their own self interest overexploit a common-pool resource which is open to all.</p><p>This book is about how to understand and how to analyse fisher behaviour from an economic perspective. Studies and analyses of aspects such as estimating harvest of target species and marketable by catch species predicting by catch of protected species assessing fishing capacity and the cost of reducing over-capacity predicting entry/exit into fisheries and determining the contribution of commercial fishing to local state and national economies help determine how best to manage the ethos of all those involved. The research presented in the book directly supports fisheries stewardship goal of maximising benefits to the nation while ensuring the long-term sustainability of all living marine resources.</p>

Environmental Biology Of Fishes

₹6,544.45 M.R.P.:₹ 11,899.00 You Save: ₹5,354.55  (45.00% OFF)
<p>Fish originated over 480 million years ago. Fish evolved in fresh water and spread to the seas at a much later period. Fish are the dominant free swimming animals of the seas with a body designed for ease of movement. This ability to move about easily without relying on water currents to carry them about has enabled fishes to exploit most parts of the world’s oceans. Fish are a very important food source for many nations. Fish can see smell touch feel and taste and they have developed some new senses such as electroreception. Fish can sense light chemicals vibrations and electricity. In general fishes are cold blooded. They derive their body heat from their environment and conform to its temperature. The circulation of blood in fish is simple. Their hearts only has two chambers unlike us. This is because the fish heart only pumps blood in one direction. Detailed coverage of environmental aspects relating to fish biology is a key feature of this book. It is of great use to students and individuals in fish biology fisheries aquaculture and environmental sciences.</p>

Fish Biotechnology

₹6,407.84 M.R.P.:₹ 11,048.00 You Save: ₹4,640.16  (42.00% OFF)
<p>Demand for fish is ever-increasing worldwide; the increasing demand can’t be met through increased natural harvest only. Aquaculture could help to meet increasing demand and biotechnology can make a great contribution to improve aquaculture yields. Aquaculture animals are particularly well suited for research in biotechnology. Experimentation is facilitated by the availability of large numbers of gametes use of external fertilization and ease of in vitro rearing of embryos. The agenda for modern biotechnology in aquaculture seems very similar to that of livestock and agriculture. The potential areas of biotechnology in aquaculture include the use of synthetic hormones in induced breeding production of mono-sex uniparental and polyploid population molecular biology transgenic fish gene banking improved feeds and health management and development of natural products from marine organisms.</p><p>This book looks at a broad spectrum of biotech research efforts and their applications to the fisheries and aquaculture industry. It looks at the application of genetic cellular and molecular technologies to enable fish farmers to produce a more abundant resilient and healthier supply of seafood. It cover topics ranging from brood stock improvement to fish health and gene transfer. This book will be valuable to researchers producers and students interested in the field of fish biotechnology.</p>

Fish Diseases And Health Management

₹7,733.70 M.R.P.:₹ 11,898.00 You Save: ₹4,164.30  (35.00% OFF)
<p>Fish health management is a term used in aquaculture to describe management practices which are designed to prevent fish disease. Once fish get sick it can be difficult to salvage them. Successful fish health management begins with prevention of disease rather than treatment. Prevention of fish disease is accomplished through good water quality management nutrition and sanitation. Without this foundation it is impossible to prevent outbreaks of opportunistic diseases. The fish is constantly bathed in potential pathogens including bacteria fungi and parasites. Even use of sterilisation technology (i.e. ultraviolet sterilisers ozonation) does not eliminate all potential pathogens from the environment.</p><p>Fish disease is a substantial source of monetary loss to aqua culturists. Production costs are increased by fish disease outbreaks because of the investment lost in dead fish cost of treatment and decreased growth during convalescence. Unlike land animals where physical separation of the diseased animal is much easier fish in captivity also tend to be in larger numbers than found in nature.</p><p>This book will develop in the student an understanding of the principles of this subject. In order to make the subject simple and interesting every topic included in this book has been self- sufficient in itself and has been explained in the light of modern development in a simple and elegant style.</p>

Fish Genetics And Biodiversity Conservation

₹7,011.40 M.R.P.:₹ 12,748.00 You Save: ₹5,736.60  (45.00% OFF)
<p>The genomics revolution and its impacts on aquaculture are projected to contribute to resolving problems such as diseases environmental impacts and low profit margins. The major potential applications of genome technologies include marker assisted selection for genetic enhancement environmental improvements through enhanced productivity and the development of novel technologies for environment monitoring. In addition to those development of effective vaccines and their delivery technologies monitoring antibiotic resistance diagnosis for fish diseases and for the safety of aquatic produce accurate identification of fish stocks for capture fisheries management and for their use as FiGR in aquaculture conservation; including protection of endangered species. Genomics is a highly dynamic research field rapid developments in genomics can afford new opportunities for applications in aquaculture and capture fisheries particularly in the areas of FiGR conservation and genetic enhancement. Genomics draws data from cytogenetic molecular genetics quantitative genetics and population genetics and has led to the development of bioinformatics. Genomics comprises the study of genome structure organization expression evolution and functions. This book provides updated information on various aspects of this subject and will be useful to students and researchers dealing with this topic.</p>

Fish Pharmacology

₹6,900.84 M.R.P.:₹ 11,898.00 You Save: ₹4,997.16  (42.00% OFF)
<p>Fish medicine is the study and treatment of the diseases of fish. This field also has important applications to fisheries management. Pharmacology provides the scientific basis and principles for a variety of special applications; such as the study of drug actions the use of drugs as therapeutic agents in medicine or as tools in scientific research and the development and regulation of pharmaceuticals.</p><p>‘Fish toxicology’ describes the key target organ systems for chemical impacts in fish; how chemicals produce cancer in these animals and how fish can develop resistance to chemical or drug toxicity. As aquaculture continues to expand there is a need for greater knowledge of medicinal treatments both for the prevention and treatment of disease and for the economic husbandry of fish. Fish diseases and disorders trilogy addresses infectious diseases of fish and their disorders that arise due to viruses bacteria and fungi. Though most fish are caught from nature fish farming is now making a significant contribution to total fish production.</p><p>With 79% of the earth’s surface covered by water research into the chemistry of marine organisms is relatively unexplored and represents a vast resource for new medicines to combat major diseases such as cancer AIDS or malaria. This book will help veterinarians to prescribe wisely and fish farmers to administer drugs safely and effectively.</p>

Fish Processing Technology

₹6,407.26 M.R.P.:₹ 11,047.00 You Save: ₹4,639.74  (42.00% OFF)
<p>Fish processing involves the application of preservation techniques in order to retain quality and increase shelf life. It may also deal with value-adding to produce a wide variety of products. The first handling technique for preserving the quality of fish is to keep them alive for as long as possible before cooking and consumption. A number of methods are used to preserve fish. Some employ techniques based on temperature control using ice refrigeration or freezing; others on the control of water activity and include drying salting smoking and freeze-drying. Techniques may rely on the physical control of microbial fish loads such as through microwave heating or ionizing irradiation or on chemical control of microbial activity and loads by adding acids to fish products. Techniques like vacuum packaging are also used. Fish processing operations include proper waste management techniques. For the transportation of chilled and frozen fish products by road rail sea or air it is of upmost importance that the cold chain is maintained throughout. This requires the use of insulated containers or transport vehicles and adequate quantities of coolants or mechanical refrigeration. This book provides a thorough exploration of traditional as well as modern techniques of fish processing. Written as an overview of the field for industrialists wishing to improve or diversify their operation and for those teaching and learning this aspect of food science and technology.</p>

Fisheries And Aquaculture Technology

₹6,628.20 M.R.P.:₹ 11,047.00 You Save: ₹4,418.80  (40.00% OFF)
<p>The systems and technology in aquaculture vary from very simple facilities like family ponds for domestic consumption in tropical countries to high technology systems like intensive closed systems for export production. Much of the technology used in aquaculture are often based on small modifications that improve the growth and survival rates of the target species such as improving food seeds oxygen levels and protection from predators. Simple systems of small freshwater ponds used for raising herbivorous and filter feeding fish account for about half of global aquaculture production. A greater understanding of complex interactions between nutrients bacteria and cultured organisms together with advances in hydrodynamics applied to pond and tank design have enabled the development of closed systems. These have the advantage of isolating the aquaculture systems from natural aquatic systems thus minimizing the risk of disease or genetic impacts on the external systems. Where management has been ineffective the greater efficiency of fishing methods and aquaculture production has sometimes led to overfishing and environmental degradation. There is a need to develop more effective fisheries management frameworks together with safer and more environmentally-friendly methods of production. This book is an attempt in this direction and will be useful to students academicians and researchers.</p>

Fisheries and Fish Toxicology

₹7,899.42 M.R.P.:₹ 12,741.00 You Save: ₹4,841.58  (38.00% OFF)
<p>A major concept of toxicology is that the effects of a toxin are dose dependent. Even water can lead to water intoxication when taken in too high a dose whereas for even a very toxic substance such as snake venom there is a dose below which there is no detectable toxic effect. Toxicity is species- specific making cross species analysis problematic. Aquatic toxicology tests or toxicity tests are used</p><p>to provide qualitative and quantitative data on adverse effects on aquatic organisms from a toxicant. Toxicity tests can be used to assess the potential for damage to an aquatic environment and provide a database that can be used to assess the risk associated with in a situation for a specific toxicant. Aquatic toxicology tests can be performed in the field or in the laboratory. In fisheries development may be defined as a process of change through which sustainable and equitable improvements are made to the quality of life for all or most members of a society. Adding the need for sustainability implies that these improvements need to be achieved without risk to the long term stability of the ecosystem concerned. This book will be very useful for the students teachers and researchers in this field.</p>

Fishery Management

₹7,138.20 M.R.P.:₹ 11,897.00 You Save: ₹4,758.80  (40.00% OFF)
<p>To be effective the management of fisheries should be concerned with the whole stock unit over its entire area of distribution and take into account previously agreed measures established and applied in the same region all removals and the biological unity and other characteristics of the stock. The best scientific evidence available should be used to determine inter alia the area of distribution of the resource and the area through which it migrates during its life cycle.</p><p>Long-term management objectives should be translated into management actions formulated as a fishery management plan or other management framework. States and sub regional or regional fisheries management organisations should foster and promote international cooperation and coordination in all matters related to fisheries including information gathering and exchange fisheries research management and development. States seeking to take any action through a non-fishery organisation should consult with the latter in advance to the extent practicable and take its views into account.</p><p>The book addresses the main issues confronting the fishery sector. The fishing industry has experienced many structural changes due to the introduction of new technology. These structural changes have no doubt brought many positive results like efficient and effective exploitation of marine resources increase in production increase in foreign exchange earnings protein rich food etc.</p>