Categories: History

Social Aspects of Health, Medicine and Disease in the Colonial and Post-Colonial Era

₹1,046.25 M.R.P.:₹ 1,395.00 You Save: ₹348.75  (25.00% OFF)
<p>From the 1600s enslaved people and after abolition of slavery indentured labourers were transported to work on plantations in distant European colonies. Inhuman conditions and new pathogens often resulted in disease and death. Central to this book is the encounter between introduced and local understanding of disease and the therapeutic responses in the Caribbean Indian and Pacific contexts. European response to diseases focussed on protecting the white minority. Enslaved labourers from Africa and indentured labourers from India China and Java provided interpretations and answers to health challenges based on their own cultures and medicinal understanding of the plants they had brought with them or which they found in the natural habitat of their new homes. Colonizers enslaved and indentured labourers learned from each other and from the indigenous peoples who were marginalized by the expansion of plantations. This volume explores the medical cultural and personal implications of these encounters with the broad concept of medical pluralism linking the diversity of regional and cultural focus offered in each chapter. About the Author Henk Menke is a dermatologist (retired) and medical historian. He is guest researcher at the Freudenthal Institute (Utrecht University The Nether­lands) and is currently involved in multidisciplinary leprosy research. Jane Buckingham is Associate Professor of History at the University of Canterbury Christchurch New Zealand. Her research interests include the history of medicine health civil and criminal law and disability. Farzana Gounder is a linguist and Deputy Head of School (Research) at IPU New Zealand Tertiary Institute. Her current research lies at the intersection of indenture studies and the sociology of health. Ashutosh Kumar is a historian who has published on Indian indenture including health and diet on the indenture journey. Currently he is a fellow at Nehru Memorial Museum &amp; Library New Delhi. Maurits S. Hassankhan is a historian and senior lecturer/researcher at the Anton de Kom University Suriname. He has organized several inter­national conferences on slavery and indentured labour and diaspora.</p>

Letters from India 1829-1832

₹1,106.00 M.R.P.:₹ 1,400.00 You Save: ₹294.00  (21.00% OFF)
<p>In September 1843 a collection of letters was published in London under the title Letters from India describing a journey in the British Dominions of India Tibet Lahore and Cashmere during the years 1828-1829- 1831 undertaken by order of the French Government by Victor Jacquemont travelling naturalist to the Museum of Natural History Paris. This translation was published as a tribute to this remarkable personality whose contribution to natural science was enormous. His pioneer work was in classifying the Himalayan flora and fauna. Several Himalayan species of plants have been named after him. He was also an acute observer of Indian conditions at an interesting period of Indian history. About the Author Victor Jacquemont (1801-32) was a French botanist and geologist.</p>

Emergence of Political Awakening in Kashmir: A Study in Political cum Socio-Economic Background to 1931 Upsurge

₹712.50 M.R.P.:₹ 950.00 You Save: ₹237.50  (25.00% OFF)
<p>The year 1931 marks an important landmark in the history of what was once the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir and is now a part of the Indian Union. In that year Kashmir witnessed the dawn of political awakening in the form of a popular upsurge against the ruler which proved unprecedented both in its magnitude and the far-reaching consequences that it had for the whole state. This work is an in-depth study of the character and raison d'etre of the upsurge and its consequences and makes an attempt to provide a well-documented and systematic analysis of the issues involved. The author rejects the oft-repeated explanation based on the belief that the upsurge was an instant happening the catalyst of which was the charisma of one individual – Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah. He has shown how contrary to this belief various political forces that had been in operation in this region for a long period of time appeared in conjunction in the fateful year and resulted in the upsurge. About the Author Upinder K. Zutshi a native of Srinagar Kashmir got his Masters degree in Political Science from the University of Jammu &amp; Kashmir and his PhD from the Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi. He is presently working as an independent researcher. Earlier he held teaching assignment at the University of Jammu and research job in the School of International Studies Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi.</p>

History of the Mahrattas Volume II

₹1,152.00 M.R.P.:₹ 1,200.00 You Save: ₹48.00  (4.00% OFF)
<p>History of the Mahrattas published in 3 volumes was the first attempt at a systematic and detailed history of the Marathas from 1000 a.d. till the overthrow of the Maratha power by the British in 1818. It covers the rise of the Marathas under the Shahji Shivaji and his successors as also the rise and decline of the Marathas under the Peshwas. Duff had been collecting the material for his work through his access to State papers family and temple archives access to the records of the Bombay Government records of the Surat factory and of the Portu­guese Government and atleast hundred relevant Persian and Marathi manuscripts and most importantly he could acquire information due to his personal acquaintance with many of the Maratha chiefs and important Brahmin jagirdars. About the Author James Grant Duff (1798-1858) was a British soldier and historian and became a civil servant of the East India Company. He saw the operations against the Peshwa Bajirao II terminating in his overthrow. He was later appointed to the important office of Resident of Satara state in 1818.</p>

Inscriptions of Bengal: (Being a Corpus of Inscriptions of the Muslim Rulers of Bengal from 1233 to 1855 AC)

₹1,312.50 M.R.P.:₹ 1,750.00 You Save: ₹437.50  (25.00% OFF)
<p>This volume deals with inscriptions of more than six centuries of Muslim rule in Bengal (ad 1233-1855). The author Shamsud-din Ahmed has systematically organized the mass of material scattered over several books and scholarly journals in this volume. Divided into five chapters he has deciphered and edited all available epigraphic records of the Muslim rulers of Bengal. The epigraphic records of the pre-Suri period are distinguished by their comparative documentary value from those of the succeeding periods. The inscriptions of the Ilyas Shahi Habshi and Husain Shahi Sultans are replete with references to the legal status of the ruler the official titles of the provincial governor and the nomenclature of the administrative units into which the kingdom of Bengal might have been divided. Shamsud-din Ahmed has presented about 200 inscriptions with painstaking notes on the political history and geography of the region. The bibliographical table at the beginning and the list of inscriptions at the end add to the value of the book. About the Author Shamsud-din Ahmed (1889-1987) an archaeologist and numismatist was born in Dewanpara in Murshidabad district. In 1927 joined as Assistant Curator of the Indian Museum Calcutta. Ananda Bhattacharyya is Assistant Director Directorate of State Archives Government of West Bengal Calcutta. He is the author of a large numbers of books and has also edited and introduced several publications. Sankar Kumar Biswas is Associate Professor and Head of the Department of History Bankura University Bankura. His area of specialization is Transition from Mughal Rule to Colonialism; and Muslims in Bengal particularly the Sufis of Bengal (19th-20th centuries).</p>

History of the Mahrattas Volume I

₹1,330.00 M.R.P.:₹ 1,400.00 You Save: ₹70.00  (5.00% OFF)
<p>History of the Mahrattas published in 3 volumes was the first attempt at a systematic and detailed history of the Marathas from 1000 a.d. till the overthrow of the Maratha power by the British in 1818. It covers the rise of the Marathas under the Shahji Shivaji and his successors as also the rise and decline of the Marathas under the Peshwas. Duff had been collecting the material for his work through his access to State papers family and temple archives access to the records of the Bombay Government records of the Surat factory and of the Portu­guese Government and atleast hundred relevant Persian and Marathi manuscripts and most importantly he could acquire information due to his personal acquaintance with many of the Maratha chiefs and important Brahmin jagirdars. About the Author James Grant Duff (1798-1858) was a British soldier and historian and became a civil servant of the East India Company. He saw the operations against the Peshwa Bajirao II terminating in his overthrow. He was later appointed to the important office of Resident of Satara state in 1818.</p>

History of the Mahrattas Volume III

₹1,309.50 M.R.P.:₹ 1,350.00 You Save: ₹40.50  (3.00% OFF)
<p>History of the Mahrattas published in 3 volumes was the first attempt at a systematic and detailed history of the Marathas from 1000 a.d. till the overthrow of the Maratha power by the British in 1818. It covers the rise of the Marathas under the Shahji Shivaji and his successors as also the rise and decline of the Marathas under the Peshwas. Duff had been collecting the material for his work through his access to State papers family and temple archives access to the records of the Bombay Government records of the Surat factory and of the Portu­guese Government and atleast hundred relevant Persian and Marathi manuscripts and most importantly he could acquire information due to his personal acquaintance with many of the Maratha chiefs and important Brahmin jagirdars. About the Author James Grant Duff (1798-1858) was a British soldier and historian and became a civil servant of the East India Company. He saw the operations against the Peshwa Bajirao II terminating in his overthrow. He was later appointed to the important office of Resident of Satara state in 1818.</p>

Gun-Running and the Indian North-West Frontier

₹750.00 M.R.P.:₹ 1,000.00 You Save: ₹250.00  (25.00% OFF)
<p>The interest of the British public had been centred on the internal problems of the Indian Empire and chiefly those connected with the Hindu portion of the population. As a result of the alarming wave of sedition that swept over Bengal accompanied by Brahmanical revivals in the two Presidencies the affairs of the North-West Frontier together with the problems connected with the Mahommedan subjects of the king emperor had gradually been relegated to a hazardous obscurity. The crisis on the frontier in the autumn of 1910 as a result of the suppression of the arms traffic in the Persian Gulf had the effect of switching the limelight once again to this quarter. They were beginning to realize that if the arming of the Pathans continued a frontier rising in the future could be dangerous. It was with this objective namely emphasizing the connection between the operations of the blocking squadron and the preservation of peace on the Pathan border that the author ventured on the publication of this book. About the Author Arnold Keppel (1858-1942) was a British soldier courtier and politician.</p>

Hastings and the Rohilla War

₹900.00 M.R.P.:₹ 1,200.00 You Save: ₹300.00  (25.00% OFF)
<p>The reputation of Warren Hastings the Governor-General of India from 1772 to 1785 has passed through tremendous vicissitudes. Thousands of educated persons both in England and India are filled with indignation when they read of his atrocious acts the judicial murder of Nand Kumar the extermination of the Rohillas and the plunder of the Begums. Sir John Strachey who passed several years of his Indian Civil Service in the Province of Rohilkhand had the chance of making personal investigations against the worst of Hastings crimes i.e. the ex­termination of the Rohillas. He writes in this book that to his utter surprise he found that the terrible accusations levelled against him by the writers and historians like Burke Mill and Macaulay were misrepresentations and garbling of documents suppressing the truth. Hastings had a high degree of the faculty of making himself beloved by the people he governed. He gave to the people of Bengal within their memory security for their lives and property. And for the first time he gave them means of obtaining justice against their oppressors. Hastings was acquitted upon every charge in the end. About the Author Sir John Strachey (1823-1907) entered the Bengal Civil Service in 1842 and served in the North-Western Provinces occupying a number of important positions.</p>

Veneration to the Elders: Sivakotyacarya's Vaddaradhane

₹896.25 M.R.P.:₹ 1,195.00 You Save: ₹298.75  (25.00% OFF)
<p>Sivakotyacarya’s Vaddaradhane (Veneration to the Elders) is the earliest extant prose work in Kannada language written by Sivakotyacarya during 940 ce. This classical text reflects the oral tradition of narrating stories of legendary religious ascetics based on the gahas which were taken from Bhagavati Aradhana. This is a peculiar but commendable way of present­ing stories of the senior and respectable ascetics combining oral and written styles of narration. Thus Va]d]daradhane stands as an excellent example for an ancient classical text fit for linguistic and cultural study. Each story in this collection is wonderful in its own way. Generally religious stories do not evoke interest but present a series of dull events. However this text is full of incidents depicting human values ways of wicked people self-imposed vows violence and non-violence and human life with all types of experiences. Another distinguishing feature of Vaddaradhane is that there is not a whiff of intolerance towards other religions or faiths or sects and this is most remarkable when we recall that most of our early writings indulge in belittling doctrines of faiths other than their own. This positive attitude in a sense makes this religious text absolutely liberal and almost secular. Vaddaradhane is now rendered into contemporary English by a team of writers and linguists. About the Author R.V.S. Sundaram was Professor and Director of the Kuvempu Institute of Kannada Studies at the University of Mysore. He was also a visiting professor at the University of Pennsylvania USA. Shubhachandra a reputed Kannada scholar was Chairman of the Department of Jainology and Prakrit at the University of Mysore. H.S. Komalesha is Associate Professor of English in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at IIT Kharagpur. D.A. Shankar a poet playwright and translator was Emeritus Professor of English at the University of Mysore and is a recipient of many prestigious awards.</p>