Categories: Medical

Pictorial Forensic Pathology and Toxicology- A Colour Atla

₹1,870.00 M.R.P.:₹ 2,750.00 You Save: ₹880.00  (32.00% OFF)
<p>The book contains a collection of more than 500 photographs of common and uncommon post mortem findings observed in medico-legal practice. It is meant to be an aid for better comprehension of the subject of Forensic Medicine &amp; Toxicology and also an illustration of case findings. The book is divided into nine chapters, viz. Identification; Post mortem changes, General Autopsy findings and Post Mortem Artefacts; Injuries; Asphyxia; Thermal injuries; Natural Deaths; Starvation and neglect; Obstetric and paediatric deaths; Toxicology. It is intended to benefit Under Graduate Medical Students and Post Graduate Students in the subject of Forensic Medicine &amp; Toxicology. It is also intended to benefit the Police, Sub-Divisional and Executive Magistrates involved in investigation of Unnatural Deaths and also the legal fraternity including the Judiciary and Prosecution and Defence Counsel.</p><div><br></div>

Human Anatomy Set of 3 Volumes

₹1,628.55 M.R.P.:₹ 2,115.00 You Save: ₹486.45  (23.00% OFF)
<p>The chapters are organized as per the CBME curriculum. There is complete coverage of all MCI competencies serial-wise. Anatomical basis has been given utmost importance while dealing with the competencies. All the competencies were dealt with by taking into consideration recent advances in medicine.<br></p>

Rehabilitation Medicine for Physiotherapy

₹323.00 M.R.P.:₹ 475.00 You Save: ₹152.00  (32.00% OFF)
<p>Rehabilitation Medicine for Physiotherapy is Ideal book for students of Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation professionals from various disciplines. This book is designed for undergraduate, Diploma, Postgraduate students to overcome the academic and clinical barriers with appropriate knowledge of Rehabilitation medicine. It covers all the topics of rehabilitation medicine from initial assessment, diagnoses and treatment with appropriate diagrams.</p><p>This book “Rehabilitation Medicine for Physiotherapy” aims to provide you with–</p><p>Salient Features:</p><p>1. Diagrams, illustrations and table to understand the text better</p><p>2. Comprehensive</p><p>3. Latest details of some topics</p><p>4. Easy language and selective content</p><p>5. Emphases on Rehabilitation approach&nbsp;</p><p>6. Addresses the need of students for the rehabilitation process</p><p>7. Select the most appropriate evaluation procedure&nbsp;</p><p>8. Contains Acts- Revised &amp; old for reference</p><p>9. Detailed abbreviations&nbsp;</p><p>10. Sample papers&nbsp;</p>

Colors: Medicine of the Future

₹308.10 M.R.P.:₹ 395.00 You Save: ₹86.90  (22.00% OFF)
<p>It’s my great pleasure that I going to open a new research work in the form of a book.</p><p>Last thirty years I am working on Agarwal energy concept and color therapy gone through Chinese acupuncture, Sujok acupuncture, Reflexology, Ayurveda and Yoga, etc.</p><p>I am grateful to each one of you who support me in this long journey of my study, practicing on many patients with amazing results. In my book, I have treated to explain each and everything in range and depth, very simple language. My concept is based on cosmic energy, prana vayu, chi, Qi. As we know how the universe is created similarly we know the creation of the human body, on the basis of five elements theory.</p><p>Knowing the energy of the human body, We can also study various changes in our life related to health. If there is Sadness, Happens, Any disease, Diabetes, High blood pressure, or so many problems in the body. I have studied everything in detail on the basis of energy or Agarwal concept and colors therapy.</p><p>My Agarwal energy concept and colors therapy guide to my students and followers. Know how to diagnose the energy. It may be excessive or deficient. If you are able to study it with the help of a book you all can wonder in the holistic healing energy field.</p><p>I have selected the colors from the five elements theory, Ayurveda, gem therapy, and various ancient knowledge of my motherland India. So many different Colors are part of ours lives from million years ago. Saffron color of bravery. Black for sadness, Red for life.</p><p>According to Chinese acupuncture, each organ has its own color and controlling colors. Colors are divine power by handling the energies and colors we can treat any complex and complicated health issues.</p><p>Testimonials and feedback were shared by my students, followers from all over the globe. I hope you all will like this book taking every step in the AMAZING WORLD OF COLORS. There may be some shots coming in the book, please feel free to contact the author.</p><p>Thanks, I hope you will fly in the new World of Agarwal energy concept and colors therapy.</p>

Tuberculous Pleural Effusion (A Book of 100 Cases)

₹238.00 M.R.P.:₹ 350.00 You Save: ₹112.00  (32.00% OFF)
<p>The present book is a collection of one hundred cases of tuberculous pleural effusion. The book aims to compile a single compendium on the oldest disease known to mankind i.e., Tuberculosis (TB). This book provides details of one hundred cases of pleural effusion and each case is accompanied by a short history, chest radiograph, and reports of thoracentesis/pleural tap. The author intends to provide a ready reference for a very common disease, especially in developing countries. The book is the first of its type ever published and thus will help in bridging the gap in knowledge related to this particular presentation of TB.</p><div><br></div>

Reengagement of Transgender Persons: Challenges and Opportunities

₹272.00 M.R.P.:₹ 400.00 You Save: ₹128.00  (32.00% OFF)
<p>The idea of publishing this edited book flashed during discussions on dissertation with Master’s students, they were facing challenges in reviewing the related literature on transgender persons from an educational and psychosocial perspective. Though it was not easy to collect a good number of chapters for publication, somehow some authors and experts showed keen interest to write the chapters for this book. Transgender persons are part of Indian culture since long back and many pieces of evidence can be traced in ancient literature. Being a part of an inclusive society theoretically, transgender persons are living on the margins. They are facing lots of challenges in their life and struggling for adequate education, training, employment, and acceptance in society. This book may be very useful to the researchers who are working on gender issues. This book includes eleven chapters from India and one more chapter from Turkey. These chapters discuss various aspects and concerns related to life and struggle of transgender persons in India as well as in other countries i.e. psychosocial, legal, economic, curricular aspects and policies; transgender biographies from psychosocial perspectives; sexuality and transgender children’s literature; the significance of teacher training programs for the better and equal world; the emergence of transgender persons; mainstreaming transgender through inclusive open and distance learning, educational status and representation in Indian society; challenges in teacher training on gender diversity and inclusion; the role of teachers in gender-inclusive classrooms; the role of media, social media, and families. Authors of different chapters discussed various aspects and challenges and opportunities related to transgender persons’ life and the content of all the chapters will be very useful for academicians and researchers who are working on gender issues.</p><div><br></div>

Current Concepts on Mental Health of Children and Adolescents (A Treatise on Psychiatric Disorders)

₹733.65 M.R.P.:₹ 1,095.00 You Save: ₹361.35  (33.00% OFF)
<p>This book is a comprehensive coverage of mental disorders common in children and adolescents. It contains 43 chapters which cover mental illnesses such as anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and dissociative disorders. Special emphasis is on problems of suicide, depression, and substance use disorders. The neuropathology and neuroimaging studies have been included to identify the etiopathogenesis and appropriate therapies for the disorders. Psychedelic therapy, telepsychiatry, and neuromodulation are highlighted in the book. The book is useful for undergraduate and postgraduate medical students of paediatrics, medicine, and psychiatry, medical teachers and medical professionals as well as clinical psychologists who provide counselling and behavioural therapy to children and adolescents.</p><div><br></div>

A Guide for Basic Biomedical Research Course

₹539.50 M.R.P.:₹ 650.00 You Save: ₹110.50  (17.00% OFF)
<p>National Medical Commission (NMC, erstwhile Medical Council of India), in order to improve research skills has made it compulsory for all medical postgraduates and teachers in medical institutions to complete the basic course in biomedical research. This book is focused on certification of this basic course on biomedical research, to complete its assignments and crack the proctored exam.&nbsp;</p><p>The book is mandatorily recommended, for all Medical postgraduates and teachers in medical institutions, who want to undergo, certification of the basic biomedical research course. It also enables readers regarding conceptualization of principles of biomedical research.&nbsp;</p><p>The highlights of the book are –</p><p>1. Focused on the mandatory course by NMC</p><p>2. Explains fundamental principles of biomedical research</p><p>3. Chapter wise multiple choice questions included</p><p>4. Unique colored charts, diagrams and table for easy learning</p><p>5. Key points section at the end for revision just before exam&nbsp;</p><p>6. A must for all medical postgraduates and teachers undergoing course</p><div><br></div>

A Textbook of Medical Genetics and Cancer Genetics

₹442.00 M.R.P.:₹ 650.00 You Save: ₹208.00  (32.00% OFF)
<p>1. The book deals with genetics of the various disorders at the molecular level and discusses their prognostic, diagnostic and management/treatment aspects.</p><p>2. Cancer is detailed in the perspective of genetics i.e., the alteration of proto-oncogenes and oncogenes at the cellular level.</p><p>3. This book provides better insight into the genetic disorders and inherited versus familial cancers.</p><p>4. This book will benefit Postgraduate students of both Human genetics and Medicine to develop an understanding of Medical Genetics.</p>

Competency Based Human Anatomy: Volume III

₹416.50 M.R.P.:₹ 595.00 You Save: ₹178.50  (30.00% OFF)
<p>The chapters are organized as per the CBME curriculum. There is complete coverage of all MCI competencies serial-wise. Anatomical basis has been given utmost importance while dealing with the competencies. All the competencies were dealt with by taking into consideration recent advances in medicine.</p><div><br></div>