Categories: Medical

A Textbook on Manufacturing Processes

₹292.00 M.R.P.:₹ 400.00 You Save: ₹108.00  (27.00% OFF)
<p>1. Covers all the major topics of manufacturing processes with special emphasis on its techniques and various areas of applications.</p><p>2. Addition of 3 new chapters i.e., industrial safety, plant layout, and unconventional machining processes for the better understanding of various advancements taking place in the various industries.</p><p>3. Addition of 3 chapters related to material aspects of manufacturing i.e.,&nbsp; properties of engineering materials, ferrous metals and alloys, &amp; non-ferrous metals and alloys.</p><p>4. Use of lucid language throughout the book for wider readability by the students from various Technical Universities/Institutes.</p><p>5. Incorporation of easy and systematic diagrams as well as flowcharts for making the students well acquainted with each and every topic.</p><p>6. Additions of questions at the end of each chapter for making the students ready for facing the question papers in their end semester examinations.</p>

Basics of Immunology

₹776.10 M.R.P.:₹ 995.00 You Save: ₹218.90  (22.00% OFF)
<p>It gives me immense pleasure to present this book entitled ‘Basics of Immunology’ to the learners of immunology containing updated knowledge of the topic. Immunology is a very vast subject, interesting but sometimes frustrating when not understood properly. It is our earnest hope that style of presentation will definitely bring pleasure and comprehension to our many readers at the undergraduate, postgraduate, and clinical stages of their studies. The language is consistent, interesting, and easy to understand. It is unique in the sense that a no of concepts especially crucial to the students to understand in other foreign and Indian books on the topic have been presented in a way so that they can easily grasp with firm understanding without any confusion. Figures summarize important ideas and presented in such a way so that along with written text, the concepts are nicely conveyable to the readers. In order to visualize the complex relationship of immune system components, iconic depictions are consistently given throughout the book, in the form of tables and figures. Explanation of antigen presentation expanded discussion on MHCs and cytokines, and inflammation has been nicely explained. Expanded coverage of infection and diseases, AIDS, Autoimmune diseases, Hypersensitivity reactions, has also been done. Especial focus has been given on signalling pathways leading to maturity, differentiation, and activation of a variety of cell types. Chapter 1- Introduction part, sheds light on the concept of immunology, its historical perspective including changes undergone in the last few decades, and a broad classification of immunology with the deliberate explanation of various components of the immune system. Extensive coverage of the innate immune system its various components including a variety of defense cells, mechanistic aspects, and its interaction with adaptive immune response has been done in chapter 2. Similarly, chapter 3 concerns a great expansion of knowledge on adaptive immune response including various cell types T and B cells, their growth and differentiation, MHC class molecules, cluster differentiation factors, mechanistic aspects of humoral and cell-mediated immunity, etc. Chapter 4 focuses on the clinical aspects of immunology including disorders of lymphoid and myeloid cell lineage, hypersensitivity reactions, and AIDS. Autoimmune diseases their concept, types their utility are deliberately presented in chapter 5. The scope of immunology in medicine has been comprehensively discussed in chapter 6. In this segment, a comprehensive discussion has been done on vaccination and organ transplant, and HLA typing. Chapter 7 deals with various aspects of cancer immunology with a special focus on chimeric antigen receptor-T cells. In chapter 8 various Immunological techniques broadly cover the experimental protocols to investigate the immune system as well as the procedures of creating and utilizing immunological materials as the experimental tools. Chapter 9 is dealing with various aspects of stem cell applications and therapeutics. With all these aforesaid contents, I hope that style of presentation will definitely bring pleasure and proper understanding to our many readers at the undergraduate, graduate, and clinical stage of their studies. Thanks.<br></p>

Handbook of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

₹306.00 M.R.P.:₹ 450.00 You Save: ₹144.00  (32.00% OFF)
<p>This book is a resource and reference guide for patients and health care professionals. It provides a concise review of Anatomy, Pathophysiology and Mechanism, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis, a brief Medical and Surgical Management, Recent advanced Physiotherapy treatment of BPPV based on most recent and reliable researches. It also constitutes Vestibular rehabilitation exercises and yoga.</p><p>Special emphasis is given on psychological aspects of BPPV. Stress coping procedures such as Relaxation and Meditation has been focused, so that BPPV patients can take maximum advantage of this book. Most of the patients fear that vertigo may crop up any time. We hope that any question that arises about treating a patient with BPPV may have answer in this book.</p><p>Highlights:</p><p>Holistic approach in vertigo rehabilitation.</p><p>Different objectives and methods of treating vertigo.</p><p>Psychological aspects of vertigo.</p><p>Stress coping procedures such as relaxation and meditation.</p><div><br></div>

Competency Based Human Anatomy Volume - I

₹540.60 M.R.P.:₹ 795.00 You Save: ₹254.40  (32.00% OFF)
<p>The chapters are organized as per the CBME curriculum. There is complete coverage of all MCI competencies serial-wise. Anatomical basis has been given utmost importance while dealing with the competencies. All the competencies were dealt with by taking into consideration recent advances in medicine.</p><div><br></div>

The SARFAESI Act, 2002 and Indian Banking System

₹310.50 M.R.P.:₹ 450.00 You Save: ₹139.50  (31.00% OFF)
<p>This book of “The SARFAESI Act, 2002 and Indian Banking System” is concerned with SARFAESI Act and implementation on the banking system. The frauds are being observed on regular intervals, we have seen in the past that many of the defaulters have been taken the loan and did the fraud with the banking system and run away from India so that the debt should not be repaid or any how I must be excused. The author has analyzed the complex relationship between SARFAESI Act and its implementation on the banking system by mainly focusing of the reforms in the banking system. After the reforms introduced in 1991, by the cement committee the economic liberalization increase the economic power of the many forms which may have had a negative impact both the welfare of the society and economics officials consequently and hence for an appropriate legal and retailer later framework which would help to protect capital provider and safeguard consumer liberalization in financial market has become an integral part of economic reforms and has opened up a renewed focus on the issue of regulation Banking system and amendments in SARFAESI Act and development the banking theory and practice covers the entire gamut of topic in the field of banking and evolution of latest trained. The rapid growth of the banking system in terms of presence as well as penetration over the two decades immediately following nationalization of banks in 1969 was impressive. Even as the banking system branch network was growing at a fast pace, by the beginning of 1990s, it was realized that the efficiency of the financial system was not to be measured only by quantitative growth in terms of branch expansion and growth in deposits/advances or merely by fulfillment of social obligations of development. The Indian banking system is undergoing unprecedented changes as a result of new legislation and reforms in response to the contemporary need the present edition has kept pace with this development including the changes in legislation governing globalization of banking as well as the expansion of the banking business to meet the needs of the customers for a wider range of services. Due to that new legislation has been introduced i.e. Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code. The book which was initially aim to serve the need of UG, PG and Research Scholar students has over the years depend and widened and both the scope of contents it is now an essential resource not only for the undergraduate student but also other Professional Bankers and those who pursue more advanced and practically oriented studies on the subject. Readers are also expected to take a note of all the latest developments related to the chapter is covered in the book of referring by the idea is RBI circulars financial peoples economics journals latest books and publication in the subject concern. Although due care has been taken in the publishing of this book yet the possibility of errors of omission or discrepancies cannot be ruled out. Should there be any discrepancy error or operation noted in the study material the author shall be obliged if the same are brought to the notice of for issue of corrigendum in the event of any doubt readers may write to the editor for clarification at given address.<br></p>

Microbiology Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) for NEET and NET Examinations

₹266.25 M.R.P.:₹ 375.00 You Save: ₹108.75  (29.00% OFF)
<p>1. Comprehensive up-to-date and concise.&nbsp;</p><p>2. Simple language and systematic presentation.</p><p>3. Involve students in higher-level thinking and extending activities.</p>

Societal Implications of COVID-19: A Socio-Psycho Perspective

₹306.00 M.R.P.:₹ 450.00 You Save: ₹144.00  (32.00% OFF)
<p>The COVID-19 pandemic is attacking society at the core. This virus is killing not only people but also spreading human suffering and overturning people's lives, and triggering a societal crisis. The outbreak is affecting all fragments of the population. It is not just the immediate impact; the farreaching consequences of social implications are becoming a cause of great concern. The reason is the impacts of the COVID-19 virus seem to be exhibited disproportionately by people that are poor, older, have disabilities, and have some chronic health conditions such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. Why is that so? Is it because poverty, housing, access to healthcare, and all social determinants of health, contributes to the spread of viral diseases and negatively impact individuals and families already struggling? Perhaps, it is time to evaluate how we can incorporate social determinants in the healthcare equation. To be able to do that necessitates us to stand on a single platform through a book. This book is an attempt at highlighting the major consequences of the pandemic on society. The objective is to bring together specialists from different disciplines to set up a platform for scholars to share their views, discuss relevant issues, and promote policy-oriented researches. All types of contributions are considered, ranging from real-life case studies to best practices, conceptual papers, empirical studies, literature reviews, and the like. We have included articles researching how the pandemic impacts and will impact the society in the short-, medium- and long-run, within or across countries, articles on psychological impacts, as well as articles examining the socioeconomic effect.<br></p>

Comprehensive Science of Optometry

₹1,365.00 M.R.P.:₹ 1,950.00 You Save: ₹585.00  (30.00% OFF)
<p>Not Description</p>

Notes on Medical Microbiology for BRIT

₹272.00 M.R.P.:₹ 400.00 You Save: ₹128.00  (32.00% OFF)
<p>This book consists of topics according to the syllabus of BRIT stream. It consists of – General Microbiology, Immunology, Bacteriology, Virology, Mycology, Parasitology and Applied Microbiology. The book comprises the diagrams and flowcharts accordingly.</p><p>Since 2009, I have been teaching medical and paramedical students. For medical students, however, various options are available but for paramedical students limited books are available. During teaching to paramedic’s, I had to make them understand to read medical books for proper concepts because without concept they could not understand the topic. I had to advise them to go for xerox to a particular chapter from particular medical book. Finally, I started to provide them my notes (soft copy of Ppt. or print out) to avoid this type of confusion because most of the students were not able to purchase these costly medical books. I had been appointed as an external examiner for paramedical examination in different paramedical institutes and observed the same difficulties in these institute’s students also.</p><p>Some paramedical (BRIT) colleges are also attached with their respective medical colleges and faculty from these medical colleges are used to appoint to teach these paramedical students especially for anatomy, biochemistry and microbiology subjects. They cannot teach these paramedical (BRIT) students as medical student. Therefore, faculty members are also facing the difficulties that how much to teach them because the books presently available in the market are not satisfying the teachers and students as well.</p><p>Some students and faculty members gave me opinion to publish my notes in the form of book. After proper discussion with paramedical students, I have come to know their requirements. Now I have prepared my notes in form of book that consists of concise information which is sufficient for BRIT students. This book consists of easy language, concise and proper information for concepts with flow charts, diagrams and expected question that can be asked in examination.</p><p>Dear students, remember, this book is for you, if you find any difficulty to understand any topic or you want to modified any chapter according to your need, then you can contact me through my email without any hesitation. I will try my best to fulfil your requirement.</p><div><br></div>

Notes on Medical Microbiology for BOTT

₹517.50 M.R.P.:₹ 750.00 You Save: ₹232.50  (31.00% OFF)
<p>This book consists of topics according to the syllabus of BOTT stream. It consists of – General Microbiology, Immunology, Bacteriology, Virology, Mycology, Parasitology and Applied Microbiology. The book comprises the diagrams and flowcharts accordingly.</p><p>Since 2009, I have been teaching medical and paramedical students. For medical students, however, various options are available but for paramedical students limited books are available. During teaching to paramedic’s, I had to make them understand to read medical books for proper concepts because without concept they could not understand the topic. I had to advise them to go for xerox to a particular chapter from particular medical book. Finally, I started to provide them my notes (soft copy of Ppt. or print out) to avoid this type of confusion because most of the students were not able to purchase these costly medical books. I had been appointed as an external examiner for paramedical examination in different paramedical institutes and observed the same difficulties in these institute’s students also.</p><p>Some paramedical (BOTT) colleges are also attached with their respective medical colleges and faculty from these medical colleges are used to appoint to teach these paramedical students especially for anatomy, biochemistry and microbiology subjects. They cannot teach these paramedical (BOTT) students as medical student. Therefore, faculty members are also facing the difficulties that how much to teach them because the books presently available in the market are not satisfying the teachers and students as well.</p><p>Some students and faculty members gave me opinion to publish my notes in the form of book. After proper discussion with paramedical students, I have come to know their requirements. Now I have prepared my notes in form of book that consists of concise information which is sufficient for BOTT students. This book consists of easy language, concise and proper information for concepts with flow charts, diagrams and expected question that can be asked in examination.</p><p>Dear students, remember, this book is for you, if you find any difficulty to understand any topic or you want to modified any chapter according to your need, then you can contact me through my email without any hesitation. I will try my best to fulfil your requirement.</p>